sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011



     A teacher is to be a reflective practitioner at all times.  Good  teachers  are always  concerned  about  improving   not  only  their  knowledge  about  the  subject  they  teach, but also   the  development  of their skills  to  pass such  knowledge  onto  others  as well  as  a better   grasp of  their  students knowledge. Teaching  does  not  come  to  an  end  when  a  class  is  over.  Teaching is  an  everlasting- always on-going responsibility; therefore,  being  a  teacher is  only suitable  for  those willing  to  learn and  open to  observation and suggestion. Reflection is being open-minded   enough to put others first.  Reflection is not about the teacher but about students, their needs, desires, and expectations inside and outside the classroom. Reflection requires resources that are  to  serve  a  purpose  based on what  can be  done better so that  what  is  done,  in the  classroom,  is  constantly  improved  and  developed  to   get  the  best  of  results as  the learning and  teaching process takes place. Reflection is the driving force that keeps teachers doing their job more efficiently and not conforming to what the system dictates. In  other  words  reflection  is  what  makes  teachers  take  action rather than  limit themselves  to only  criticize  a  particular  situation regarding  learning.  

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