jueves, 9 de junio de 2011



      After exploring ANVILL and learning  most  of  its  interesting features, I  have  come  to  the  conclusion that  it  is  a  very  good (technology-bound) tool  not  only  for   ESL students but also  for   teachers. It is suitable to everyone in need and desire of reinforcement, communicative-skill-wise.  Language learners regardless of their level need to rehearse their skills to develop and hone their command of the target language.  Otherwise, they all risk losing whatever headway they have made    regardless of the language. I  have  had several students  who  have  not only  taken language  courses,  tutoring  and  diverse  subjects  in English, but have also learned  how to  learn  on their  own .  ANVILL is a great option and opportunity for those students. People   who  have  acquired  a certain level  of   proficiency  in terms  of  identifying  what  their  requirements are.

      ANVILL wisely includes features that can be useful to both students and teachers.   Teachers  can  benefit  from each  and  every tool;  nonetheless,  students  who are  interested in  developing   their  skills  will  have  to  make  do  with  fewer  features.  Among  the  most remarkable  features  one  is  to  find  the  following:  

1.    Voice boards 

2.    Forums

3.    Live chat

4.    Quizzes and  Surveys

5.    Lesson Planning Templates

6.    Course management

     I think that ANVILL indeed makes a useful tool, which takes root in variety of resources (features). It is  not  the  same  to see certain material presented  in  a traditional way (written on the board)  as  to  see  such  material (information)  in  a  more  didactic  and  even more  entertaining fashion.  Therefore,  ANVILL  presents  a  valuable  opportunity  as  a  learning  and  teaching – planning  tool for anybody  who  has  internet  access, has  some  spare time, and  above  all  is  willing  to  give  technology   a try   in order  to  improve  their  command  of  the  target  language.

Best Regards,

Fernando Minda

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