domingo, 17 de abril de 2011





  It  is   incredible,  how  dependable   on  the  internet  and  its  sources   for   information  people   have  become.  There  is  only  to   ask  people   what  the  easiest  way  to  find  information  is to know about  how  familiar  with  the  internet  they  have become. However, there is to  be careful  and  selective  of  the   websites  and   search  engines   one  uses since  not  everything  that  is   on  the   web  is   reliable  or  properly   researched;  therefore,    citation  may  require  a  more  exhaustive/detailed research.

     By  far,  the   greatest   source of  information  not  in  a book  form  is ,  of  course, the  Internet. However, its  sheer   size  and  range  make  it   potentially awkward for  users,  who often  find  it  difficult  to  locate  the  exact  information they  are looking  for .  This is partly because searching is a skill in itself which students and teachers need to acquire. Both teachers and students can find almost anything they want on the internet. They  can  go  to online  newspapers  or  broadcasting  associations such  as   the BBC or CNN; they  can  find song  lyrics  or  access  history sites;  they  can  find   film guides  and  jokes sites (Harmer, 2007). 

     In  Ecuador,   a great many students do not  have  an  internet-based  research  culture;  therefore, they  mostly  rely  on the  first thing  they  find on the  web (which  is  a  typical mistake).  Teachers  are  to  teach  them  how to  be  more  critical   of  what  they  read  rely  on, and  cite.  On  the  other  hand,  the  internet  when  properly  used  is  such  a  great  tool.  I cannot   even picture myself without it.   As  a  student,  researcher or  professor  one  is  able  to  do, find  and  share so  much.  

     In  conclusion , searching  on the  web  requires  a  certain degree of skill, accuracy, and patience  to  properly  select   what  is   suitable to one’s request/purpose.  An internet browser often   retrieves  thousands  if not  millions of responses  to  what  is  typed; thus, people  must  be  as  specific  as  possible not  to  waste  time  browsing through unnecessary  websites,  which  may  lead them  off  their  target-search. 

Fernando Minda

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Fernando,

    I second you when you write: "On the other hand, the internet when properly used is such a great tool. I cannot even picture myself without it".
    I can barely remember my days without it and they were quite some!
    As teachers/educators we know how important, and sometimes difficult, our mission is. This new generation who was born with computers and mobile devices around must be guided so they can make the best use of such wonderful tools. If misused, they can be quite damaging, a real distractor if not worse things.
    I really liked your blog. We have chosen the same template.
