domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


This is Fernando once again!

      I  must   say   that   using  technology  is  certainly  an  advantage;  it  has   in fact  revolutionized   the   way   things  are  done, learned, and  taught .  This week, I have learned   how to create a blog.  It has certainly been an adventure.  I  am looking  forward  to  creating  one  for  my  students   so  that  they  work  on their productive  skills in English (reading  and  writing).  It will certainly benefit them   to read   what others have to say about a particular topic.  I  have  had  some  experience   with  blogging; nevertheless,  I  have never  had  a  blog  of  mine before; thus my blog will be better developed it as time goes by. 

        All   this  connectivity  allows  people to  talk,  whether  or  not  they  are  geographically near each  other.  Indeed, one of  the great  glories of  the  Internet  is  precisely  this  breaking  down  of  physical  barriers  so  that  we  can  be in  contact  with  each other ,  wherever  we  are, and  whatever  the time is (Harmer, 2007)!    

Looking forward to reading from everyone,


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Fernando,

    This is a great blog! I hope you enjoy it as you add to it each week.


  2. Hi Fernando,

    I'm also planning on working with writing and the blog.

    What do you have in mind?

